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in Community Enrichment
Make Your Best Shot: An Introduction to Digital Photography*
with Mike Leonard

In this one-night class participants will learn the basics of digital photography: what you should have read in your owner’s manual--but didn’t! Topics covered include camera settings, understanding exposure and white balance, tips for making your best shots of various subjects. It’s a perfect session to attend BEFORE going on a vacation, so you can bring home your very best shots. Limit 20 students
Photography After Dark*
with Mike Leonard

In this one-night class we will explores all the things you need to know to take successful pictures after the sun sets and before the sun rises. This session reviews exposure, how to shoot images in the dark—including the Milky Way and Aurora—and how to capture your best photo under just moonlight. We will review equipment helpful for nighttime photography, including using a cell phone. Limit 20 students.
Comfortable Capture Photography
with Samantha Jamison

Are you a photographer looking to increase your client's comfortability? Are you a frequent picture taker, looking to have better engagement when taking photos with friends & family? We all have our picture taken at one point or another in our lives, and if we're not comfortable in the moment it's taken...that shines through. This class will focus is to increase your comfortability both in front of the camera and while being behind it. Required supplies: a mindset of learning and a camera if you own one, cellphone cameras are okay! Let's create more smiles and better photographs together!
Digital Photography: Small Group Tutorial*
with Kiri Guyaz

Come learn more about both the artistic side--including composition and design--and the technical, such as aperture, shutter speed, loss and non-loss files, downloading to electronic formats, simple editing, and more. We will be outdoors shooting as much as daylight and weather permit. YOU MUST BRING TO EACH CLASS: CAMERA, MEMORY CARDS, CHARGED BATTERIES, ALL CORDS, and MANUAL. If it is rainy weather, please bring your LAPTOP, and if you have it, a memory card reader. Interested students 13-17 may register with a registering and participating parent or guardian. Limit 6 students.