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Healthcare Training
in Community Enrichment
Virtual: Building Better Caregivers with Spectrum Generations*
with Monica Hawk

This class covers a variety of topics, including self-care, methods to improve caregiver’s health and dealing with difficult emotions, managing difficult care partner behaviors, planning for the future, finding resources, improving communication skills with family and friends, family meetings, communicating with health professionals, and health care systems, action planning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
Virtual: Volunteer Leader Informational Session with Spectrum Generations*
with Monica Hawk

We will discuss volunteer opportunities available through Spectrum Generations in your community and how you can become a part of it. We will discuss who Spectrum Generations is and what we do, or Evidence Based programs, leader training opportunity, practices, and benefits of volunteering. Bring you questions and ideas. There will be one meeting a month on the below dates. This will take place once a month for 1 hour Mondays from 5:30 to 6:30 on Feb. 10, Mar. 10, Apr. 14, and May 12
Hospice 101
with Susan Roy

Hospice 101 - Group will discuss Hospice philosophy, common medications, team members, payor source, myths vs. reality, admission criteria, revocation and bereavement.