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Health and Wellness
in Community Enrichment
Virtual: Volunteer Leader Informational Session with Spectrum Generations*
with Monica Hawk
We will discuss volunteer opportunities available through Spectrum Generations in your community and how you can become a part of it. We will discuss who Spectrum Generations is and what we do, or Evidence Based programs, leader training opportunity, practices, and benefits of volunteering. Bring you questions and ideas. There will be one meeting a month on the below dates. This will take place once a month for 1 hour Mondays from 5:30 to 6:30 on Feb. 10, Mar. 10, Apr. 14, and May 12
Gentle Yoga via Zoom*
with Audrey McGee, Resilient Embodiment Yoga
This class will be a gentle yoga practice, performed at a slow pace, with forms that are adaptable to all body shapes and abilities. A strong emphasis will be placed on stretching, with some seated forms and low impact movements. We will practice some meditations, breath work, and relaxation techniques. A great class for beginners and all levels of yoga experience are welcome. Presented via Zoom, with a recording provided for up to a week if you need to be out. There will be class during school vacation on April 21.
Hospice 101
with Susan Roy
Hospice 101 - Group will discuss Hospice philosophy, common medications, team members, payor source, myths vs. reality, admission criteria, revocation and bereavement.
Buying Your First Home
with Lindsey Brann
Learn about the different loan programs and requirements needed to purchase a home, even with very little money down! Join a Maine mortgage broker and Maine realtor in an informative session!
with Audrey McGee, Resilient Embodiment Yoga
This ancient Chinese exercise uses the life force energy (qi), found all around us in the natural world, to help increase health and vitality. In ancient times illness and disease were thought to be caused by blockages in the energy pathways of the body called meridians. We will learn some Qigong forms and movements that increase our life force energy (qi) clear the meridians, improve our health, and connect us to nature. All levels of physical ability are welcome. Wear clothing that allows you to move freely. For this class you may choose to attend any 6 classes between April 16 and June 4. Limit 15 students.
Meditation using Breath, Mantra and Mudra
with Burc Oral
This meditation practice will be done sitting in chairs and use visualization, breathing, movement and sound to cultivate a meditative state. We will start with a mantra (affirmation) to center ourselves. This will be followed by breathing activities to invite the etheric forces. Then, we will do mediations using chanting mantras from various traditions. We will be using mudras ( hand positions) and simple asanas (body positions). Sessions will be facilitated by Burc Oral, Ph.D, an earth scientist, technologist, yoga practitioner, avid kayaker and a constellator.
Spiritual Healing Constellations
with Burc Oral
We all wish to have happy moments. We want to love and be loved. We want to build long lasting and trusting relationships. Yet, issues and challenges arise in our lives. Undesired happenings invade us. Unwanted thoughts and feelings start to dominate our being. Our mental and emotional fields become stressed, and even traumatized, and our physical being suffers. All this also impacts our family, work, business, and community. This class focuses on a phenomenological approach to healing based on teachings by Bert Hellinger and Ron Young. Each session will start with a short meditation using visualization, breathing and sound to center the participants. We will do multiple healing constellation sessions to allow the participants experience healing at the spiritual, mental, emotional and finally in the physical realms. Sessions will be facilitated by Burc Oral, Ph.D, an earth scientist, technologist, yoga practitioner, avid kayaker and a constellator.
Pickleball for Beginners*
with Jim Hutchinson
Have you tried Pickleball yet? It is a fun, social, and a great exercise sport. You will learn the forehand, backhand, serve, volley, and overhead strokes in a fun and supportive environment. It’s nice for friends to join together, or join and make new friends. Bring a pickle ball paddle if you have one, or there will be a few to borrow during class time. Please wear proper footwear—the instructor recommends either court or tennis shoes and preferably pickle ball shoes. Rain makeup will be Saturdays at the normal class time and depending on the forecast for Sunday we may meet a day early on Saturday. There will be no Pickle Ball on May 25. Limit 8 students.