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Mid-Maine Regional Adult Community Education

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General Enrichment

in Community Enrichment

Ukrainian (Pysanka) Egg Decorating*


with Lesia Sochor

Calendar Next available session starts Mar 29, 2025 at 10 am

The Pysanka, a decorated egg, was common among Slavic people as far back as 5,000 BC and was an important spring ritual. When decorating eggs in the Ukrainian style, designs are drawn on the egg with melted beeswax, which flows from a tool called a Kystka. The eggs are then dipped in a series of dyes and the final pattern is revealed when the wax is removed. Please bring reading glasses, if you use them. The instructor would like to encourage young people in this art form. Ages 8 to 16 are welcome to register with their participating parent or guardian. For a single adult Materials Fee is $20 and is payable to the instructor cash or check at the start of class. Families will be $20 per adult plus $5 per child. A storm make up will be April 12 from 10 to 12:30. When you register please reserve this time slot just in case of snow or slippery road conditions. Limit 18 students.

Virtual: Building Better Caregivers with Spectrum Generations*
Registration Unavailable

Virtual: Building Better Caregivers with Spectrum Generations*

Price not

with Monica Hawk

Calendar Next session starts Apr 2, 2025 at 5 pm

This class covers a variety of topics, including self-care, methods to improve caregiver’s health and dealing with difficult emotions, managing difficult care partner behaviors, planning for the future, finding resources, improving communication skills with family and friends, family meetings, communicating with health professionals, and health care systems, action planning, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Pottery: Make a Clay Fish*


with Rose Crossman, Rosie's Artistry / Elmhurst Street

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 2, 2025 at 5:30 pm

Join us for a fish-making class—which will be ready just in time for a Mother’s or Father’s Day gift and to celebrate Maine’s open water fishing season! You will learn how to put the fish together on the first night. Then you will paint him on April 16. After the second firing you will be able to pickup your artwork at the Adult Ed office at Messalonskee on or about April 30. There is a $30 materials fee, cash or check, to the instructor at the start of class to cover the cost of clay, glaze, and firing. Storm dates may affect this schedule. Limit 10 students. 2 Meetings, April 2 AND April 16

Virtual: Volunteer Leader Informational Session with Spectrum Generations*
Registration Unavailable

Virtual: Volunteer Leader Informational Session with Spectrum Generations*

Price not

with Monica Hawk

Calendar Next session starts Apr 2, 2025 at 5:30 pm

We will discuss volunteer opportunities available through Spectrum Generations in your community and how you can become a part of it. We will discuss who Spectrum Generations is and what we do, or Evidence Based programs, leader training opportunity, practices, and benefits of volunteering. Bring you questions and ideas. There will be one meeting a month on the below dates. This will take place once a month for 1 hour Mondays from 5:30 to 6:30 on Feb. 10, Mar. 10, Apr. 14, and May 12

Twining: An Introduction*


with Joan Bryson

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 3, 2025 at 6 pm

Twining involves twisting two fixable strands called wefts around each other to enclose vertical strands called warps. It’s the use of two wefts and twisting them together to enclose the warps that distinguishes twining from normal weaving. To get started with twining we will make a placemat. The first night will be setting up, second night will be trouble shooting and problem solving, then on the last night we will finish up our placemats and take them off the loom. Bring scraps or leftovers cotton or cotton blend fabric that look good together and can be torn into long strips. Looms will be provided at a nominal cost—TBD. Limit 10 students

Gentle Yoga via Zoom*


with Audrey McGee, Resilient Embodiment Yoga

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 7, 2025 at 4:30 pm

This class will be a gentle yoga practice, performed at a slow pace, with forms that are adaptable to all body shapes and abilities. A strong emphasis will be placed on stretching, with some seated forms and low impact movements. We will practice some meditations, breath work, and relaxation techniques. A great class for beginners and all levels of yoga experience are welcome. Presented via Zoom, with a recording provided for up to a week if you need to be out. There will be class during school vacation on April 21.

Hospice 101


with Susan Roy

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 7, 2025 at 5:30 pm, runs for 1 week

Hospice 101 - Group will discuss Hospice philosophy, common medications, team members, payor source, myths vs. reality, admission criteria, revocation and bereavement.

Dog Training Basics*


with Donna Whitney, Tailwaggers' Dog Training

Calendar Next available session starts Apr 7, 2025 at 6 pm

This is a beginner dog training class designed for both the young and the not-so-young. We work in small groups with several trainers assisting. The first night will be an Orientation & Information night, held on Monday, April 7, at the Fairfield Community Center for the two-legged family members only. (Please register only one human per dog; however, two humans may attend with one dog.) You will receive a helpful manual, and many topics will be discussed, including behavior concerns, commands taught (such as walking on a loose leash, stay, and come exercises), and other techniques.

The following four classes will include dogs and owners and will be held at the Fairfield Community Center from 6:00-7:00 p.m. All dogs must be on a leash at all times, and NO dogs will be allowed if they are aggressive.

When you register online, the Adult Education Office will send you a packet that you need to print, read, sign, and bring to class with you. Please bring proof of vaccinations, a $125 materials fee payable to the instructor (cash or check), and your completed packet to the orientation night.

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