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Advanced Classes
in Difficulty Level
Crochet for All*
with Jo Schiebel

Crocheting is fun and easy once you know how. The best part is you can be creative almost anywhere. In this class, beginners willl start by working on a small afghan using single, double, and triple crochet stitches, and you will learn how to begin and end. The intermediate students will be practicing the basic stitches. If you know how to crochet and need guidance with a WIP (Work in Progress) bring it and get advice on finishing, improving, or just join us and have fun. A supply list will be sent via email once enough students are signed up for the class.
For the Afghan, you will need 2 skeins of a light colored yarn of your choiceand a correlating crochet hook. The size of the crochet hook is found on thelabel of the yarn. You will also need scissors, measuring tape, and a yarn needle. Please mark your calendar for a storm makeup on Saturday, April 5.
Gentle Yoga via Zoom*
with Audrey McGee, Resilient Embodiment Yoga

This class will be a gentle yoga practice, performed at a slow pace, with forms that are adaptable to all body shapes and abilities. A strong emphasis will be placed on stretching, with some seated forms and low impact movements. We will practice some meditations, breath work, and relaxation techniques. A great class for beginners and all levels of yoga experience are welcome. Presented via Zoom, with a recording provided for up to a week if you need to be out. There will be class during school vacation on April 21.
Birding with Ian Lynch: Spring Migrants
with Ian Lynch

Spring days bring wonderful surprises for bird watchers. Nearly every day, new birds arrive, often species that weren't here the day before. Some of the birds are showing to breed in central Maine, but many are only stopping off on their way north. The numbers and the brevity of their visits can make identifying spring migrant birds feel overwhelming. This beginner class will concentrate on identifying the most common migrants by sight and by sound. In addition to suggestions for places to look for migrants, there will be an option for an outing together. Limit 20 students.
Fix-A-Bike Spring Workshop*
with Erik DaSilva, Bicycle Coalition of Maine

Join us for a bike maintenance workshop for Teens and Adults. Are you curious about bicycle mechanics? Would you like to maintain your bike better, do repairs yourself, or get your bike ready for spring? Would you like to be better prepared to fix breakdowns when you are out on the road? Bring your bike and tool kit, if you have one. A parent or guardian must accompany students 13-16 years. Rain date will be Saturday, May 17. When registering please mark this date on your calendar just in case it rains on May 10. Donations are welcome to the Bicycle Coalition of Maine by cash or check or via their website anytime at Limit 18 students.
Explore Messalonske Lake by Kayak*
with Kathy Moore

Messalonskee Lake and Stream are wonderful natural resources of the mid-Maine region, offering numerous recreational and conservation activities.
If you’ve always wanted to learn to kayak and explore the lake’s ecology, this class will provide a free kayak lesson, with all necessary equipment supplied. You will also learn about the flora and fauna of the lake and stream, followed by a kayak paddle near shore to observe various specimens.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic swimming skills (we will stay close to shore).
What to Bring:
Be prepared with extra clothes in case you get wet.
Age Requirement: Must be 17 or older to register.
If needed, a rain date will be announced.